Aiguilles magiques
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Chocolate Box

Pattern of chocolate box and universal How to.

Article mis en ligne le 11 janvier 2015
Précédent : 1 January 2015 !
Suivant : Autumn Colours
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A template that I did for LibreOffice also to download on the template website of LibreOffice.

In December 2014, the DocumentFoundation that develops Libreoffice called for new templates to add to the soft. The goal was to put the less text possible, even nothing, for the template to be international. And I wanted to make a template with international explications with absolutely no word. That I did. But the limit is the size of the paper as I did this pattern of a Belgian chocolate box for A4 paper.

Boite de chocolat

I hope you enjoy it.

flèche Voir aussi : Le modèle sur LibreOffice